Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Remember Jesus

Luke 22:19 says, "do this in remembrance of me."

As we come upon the time of the year where Jesus Christ gave up His life for us this is a time of reflection for us all.

Let us all simply remember that Jesus Christ suffered in all aspects of life: Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual. He did it all willfully that each one of us could live.

Let the following week and the week after be a time of rememberance of what Jesus Christ did for us . . . He gave His life that we could live!

And let us be thankful and ever gladful for that. Remember Jesus daily for His sacrifice is our gain.

Monday, March 19, 2007

In The Beginning

Here is the first Blog!

The current discussion is having Faith in God in a secular world. We have been looking at Abraham's life in the Old Testament and his Faith in God. If you have any questions on Faith, then here is the place to ask.
If you are reading your Bible or come up with other questions about life during the day, then this is also the place to ask. I will do my best to seek out God and answer your questions to help you with your daily walk in this life.

FIRST THOUGHT -- "Faith is the evidence of things not seen." Think on that sentence for a moment. If faith is evidence, then it is tangible and it is real. In this case it means that Faith is proof. Proof of what? It is proof that God has decided in His infinite wisdom that He will prove to mankind that he exists through the Faith of His people. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then that means you. That also means that the proof God will use to show the world that He is the Lord is by your everyday belief, attitude and decisions you live your life by. Therefore, the proof God will show the world that He is alive is not by great signs and wonders, but by the way you choose to live your life everyday.